7 Beauty Tips My Mom Follows That Make Her Look 20 Years Younger

1. Put Eyelid Primer on Your Nose

My mom's nose and mine are the same. Funny enough, if we don't do something to keep it matte when we're wearing makeup, that nose shines like crazy. 

2. Using a Beautyblender

My mom used to put on makeup the same way I did: with her fingers and maybe a flat-headed brush to buff and blend any hard edges. 

3. Use Moisturizer

Even though we are 45 years apart, I pretty much use every makeup tip and beauty lesson that my mom gives me. This one might be my best.

4. Matte Lipstick

My mom and I both love makeup and feel like we're missing something if we don't have a pop of color on our lips. 

5. Use White Eyeliner

my mom says If your eyebrows aren't even, pick the one you like best and mark both ends with a white pencil (I love this one from MAC) and put a white dot on top of the one you like. 

6. Try Navy Mascara

"I know a lot of people like to suggest brown or black/brown mascara formulas, but I find black or navy blue mascaras are almost always best. And choose ones that add volume! 

7. Try Navy Mascara

"I know a lot of people like to suggest brown or black/brown mascara formulas, but I find black or navy blue mascaras are almost always best. And choose ones that add volume! 


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