10 New Habits With the Biggest Positive Impacts

10. Reading Before Bed

"Reading helps me fall asleep, so I do it before bed. When I was on my phone before bed, I didn't sleep as well.

9. Deleting Social Media

"I'm getting rid of all my social media except Reddit because I spent hours on it to keep up with friends and family.

8. Practicing Gratitude

"I think about being thankful every morning while I drink my coffee. I make a list of three things I'm thankful for and three things I need to do that day. 

7. Making The Bed

Several people agreed making their beds is a good habit with a positive impact.

6. Journaling

It feels like therapy and has changed me and my life a lot." Another person agreed: "I write in my book almost every day. 

5. Write Everything Down

I’ve been writing everything important to me, which significantly eases my brain. 

4. Quit Drinking

Not drinking!" "Now I'm in this boat. So much has changed in the way I feel. It's fun to drink, but not when it runs your life.

3. Daily Tidying

At first, I set a timer for ten minutes, but now I do a few things that I know need to be done, which usually takes less than five minutes.

2. Working Out

I used to set a watch for ten minutes, but now I just do a few things that I know need to be done, which usually takes less than five minutes.

1. The Cloud Method

"When I have a thought that bothers me, I pretend it's a cloud going by. After a year, I rarely have thoughts that bother me.

7 Most Effective Exercises To Shrink Stomach Fat in 30 Days

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