8 Essential Cucumber Pruning Tips to Increase Harvest

1. Don’t prune too early

Early cucumber pruning reduces vine size and fruit production. Instead, prune cucumber vines when they are 3–5 weeks old and 1–2 feet high.

2. Disinfect your tools

To avoid spreading plant diseases when pruning, disinfect your pruning tools between plants with isopropyl alcohol. 

3. Find the plant’s main stem

Cucumbers have one main stem and stems or leaf clusters that branch off it. Prevent pruning cucumber vines' main stems to stop growth.

4. Remove Lower Lateral Stems And Leaves

Remove the bottom four to six lateral stems of the cucumber vine. Suckers, or lateral stems, can drain energy from the main stem.

5. Remove Damaged or Diseased leave

Cut any damaged, yellow, or diseased leaves from your cucumber plant after removing the lowest suckers from the vines.

6. Snip Away Extra Sucker

Suckers have bushy appearances and small leaves. Your non-self-fertile field cucumbers don't need all the suckers removed.

7. Maintain Pruning and Harvesting

Remove damaged plant leaves and harvest cucumbers when they ripen. Long-term cucumber cultivation can deplete vine energy and reduce harvest.

8. Top Your Plant At Season-End

Remove the main stem with pruners to top the plant. This encourages the plant to focus on the remaining fruit.

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