How to Avoid Making Yourself Look Older with Makeup

If you use too much powder, it will emphasize wrinkles and make your skin look older.

Excess powdering

It keeps lipstick from feathering into the fine creases around your mouth as you age, making you look younger.

Using the wrong lip liner

Highlighter enhances features and gives a youthful glow. However, employing the wrong product is one of several makeup blunders that age you.

Using glittery highlighter

Highlighter enhances features and gives a youthful glow. However, employing the wrong product is one of several makeup blunders that age you.

Ignoring your lashes

Acne, and the scars and dark patches that follow, are a direct result of using a dirty brush. 

Using old, dirty makeup brushes

You've probably heard that untreated brows are one of the worst makeup blunders that age you.

Overdrawing your brows

Choosing the wrong foundation is like turning up the volume on every wrinkle and crease in your face. 

Selecting the wrong foundation

Numerous primers are available, each with its own set of advantages.

Skipping primer

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