13 Stupidest Societal Myths That Are Still Spreading Like Wildfire

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Earth is flat

 Despite centuries of scientific evidence and space exploration, some individuals still believe that the Earth is flat, disregarding the overwhelming proof that it is a spherical shape.

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Vaccines cause autism

This myth originated from a now-debunked study and continues to circulate, despite numerous scientific studies and expert consensus affirming the safety and importance of vaccines.

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This conspiracy theory suggests that certain contrails left by aircraft are actually chemicals deliberately sprayed for nefarious purposes. However, scientific explanations confirm that these are simply normal contrails formed by engine exhaust.

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Microwave ovens cause cancer

Some people believe that using microwave ovens can lead to cancer due to radiation exposure. In reality, microwave ovens use non-ionizing radiation, which is safe and has not been proven to cause cancer.

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5G causes COVID-19

This myth emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting a link between the deployment of 5G technology and the spread of the virus. Scientists and health organizations have categorically debunked this claim.

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Cracking knuckles leads to arthritis

 Many people still believe that cracking their knuckles will cause arthritis. However, numerous studies have shown no association between knuckle cracking and the development of arthritis.

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Humans only use 10% of their brains

This widely circulated myth suggests that humans have untapped potential in their brains. In reality, modern brain imaging techniques have consistently shown that humans use their entire brain.

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Hair and nails continue to grow after death

 It is commonly believed that hair and nails keep growing after a person dies. In reality, the skin dehydrates and recedes, creating an illusion of growth.