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8 of The Biggest Lies That People Need To Stop Believing

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Wasted Votes

Many Americans view voting for third parties as a “wasted vote,” but that’s not true, according to several citizens.

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Closed Eyes

“I never saw your email,” and proceeding to blame the situation on spam folders is something that many people lie about, says someone who’s likely been around the office block a time or two.

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Total Control

The phrase “I can stop any time I want” is one of the biggest lies people tell themselves, according to one commenter. People who struggle with addiction can surely relate.

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Perception Flaws

No matter how unselfish you think you are, one commenter gives readers a reality check. Not everyone thinks and perceives things the same way you do, they say.

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Reality Check

The US government pushes the idea that Americans have total freedom, but this is false, according to several citizens.

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Greeting Flops

When asked how you’re doing, most people respond along the lines of “I’m fine.” But such a line is a lie people believe, despite many of us answering the same when we’re anything but fine.

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Human Resource Fail

Contrary to what many employees believe, human resource (HR) departments aren’t in place to protect you, argues an employee who’s been blindsided one too many times.

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Big Fat Wrong

A lie that drives one person crazy is that “the customer is always right.” Nobody is right all the time. How can a customer always be right?